Cost Estimator (CEST) parameters

Cost models use parameters — to calculate the final cost of a project. Depending on their role in the calculation of the cost, the parameters can be:

Design, reference parameters NOTE: The procedures for creating and editing design and reference parameters are identical. Design selection parameters

Cost models use three types of parameters to calculate project cost:

Input parameters

Input parameter A parameter whose value you can change directly in the tabular area. Its record lies on a blue background. A small triangle in the upper left corner of the Value field — — indicates that you can click the field and edit the value.

Input parameters can be:

NOTE: When you change the values of input parameters, you change them only for the project in hand. The values set in the cost model do not change.

Reference parameters

Reference parameter Parameters that give background information about factors that take part in the calculation of the project cost. These parameters only display their values which you cannot change directly. Reference parameters are highlighted in gray in the tabular area and in the cost model. To edit a reference parameter, open the cost model and edit the parameter there.

Hidden parameters

Hidden parameters do not appear in the Cost Estimator tabular area. You create them in the cost model, and then set them to Hidden. Their values and expressions can be edited only while editing the cost model.

The TotalCost parameter

This is the parameter that calculates the final cost of a project and appears automatically at the bottom of cost models. It is the only parameter whose type you cannot change: it is always a reference parameter.


Creating, editing parameters

Creating, editing selection tables

Switching between input and reference parameters

Hiding parameters