Formulas extracting dieboard information

The following formulas extract information about dieboards.

Formulas for extracting board's name

Layout $LayoutN.BoardName()$
1up $OneUpN.BoardName()$

NOTE: To see the name of the board you're working with, right-click its edge, and then click Object Properties. The name appears in Name.

Formulas for extracting board's area

Layout LayoutN.BoardArea(Units, bFallBackToStyle)
1UP OneUpN.BoardArea(Units, bFallBackToStyle)


To print the board area of Use Example
OneUp1 in default units and rounding. $OneUp1.BoardArea()$ sq. mm. 1000.00 sq. mm.
OneUp1 in sq. cm. and default rounding. $OneUp1.BoardArea(m)$ sq. cm. 60.00 sq. cm.
Layout1 in sq. cm. and rounding 3 $Layout1.BoardArea(cm); n3$ sq. cm. 65.670 sq. cm

Formulas for extracting board's width and height

The formulas that follow return the distances of board's left-to-right edge-to-edge dimension (width) and top-to-bottom edge-to-edge direction (height).

  1Up Layout
Board Width OneUpN.BoardWidth(Units, bFallBackToStyle) LayoutN.BoardWidth(Units, bFallBackToStyle)
Board Height OneUpN.BoardHeight(Units, bFallBackToStyle) LayoutN.BoardHeight(Units, bFallBackToStyle)

This function uses the bFallBackToStyle parameter, which controls the measurement of distances in drawings with quasi-dieboards. Learn about quasi-dieboards and how to use this parameter.


To print Use Example
Layout board's width in cm. $Layout1.BoardWidth(cm); n0$ cm. 55 cm.
Layout board's height in cm. and default rounding $Layout1.BoardHeight(cm)$ cm. 120.45 cm.

Formulas for extracting board's dimensions by flute direction

The formulas that follow return board's dimensions as measured along or against the material's flute direction. For example, if the flute goes in the left-to-right direction, the formula returns the board's horizontal dimension; when the flute goes top to bottom, the formula returns the vertical dimension.

IMPORTANT: Do not think of these dimensions as width or height, but rather as along-flute dimension and against-flute dimension.

TO CHECK THE FLUTE DIRECTION: To check the flute direction you are working with, go to the respective 1up drawing and look at the flute direction icon in the upper left corner of the graphical area. The arrow there indicates the flute direction.


To print the dimension of
Layout LayoutN.BoardSize(direction; units)
1up OneUpN.BoardSize(direction; units)


To print board size for Use Example
Layout2 along the flute direction in meters $Layout1.BoardSize(fd(); m)$ m. 2.34 m.
OneUp2 in mm. $OneUp2.BoardSize(fd(); mm)$ mm. 2010.35 mm.
OneUp2 against the flute direction in mm. and rounding 3 $OneUp2.BoardSize(fd()+90; mm); n3$ mm. 1980.340 mm.

Formulas for extracting board's margins

NOTE: If the dieboard has stripping rules, the formulas return the margin distances from the outer edge to the nearest stripping rule; if there are no stripping rules on the dieboard, the formulas return the margin distances from the outer edge to the nearest cutting knife. The formulas ignore structure-irrelevant objects.

Margin 1up Layout
Left OneUpN.BoardLeftMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle) LayoutN.BoardLeftMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle)
Right OneUpN.BoardRightMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle) OneUpN.BoardRightMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle)
Upper OneUpN.BoardTopMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle) LayoutN.BoardTopMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle)
Lower LayoutN.BoardBottomMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle) OneUpN.BoardBottomMargin(Units, bFallBackToStyle)


To print the distance between Use Example
Board's upper edge to the nearest stripping rule in Layout1. $Layout1.BoardTopMargin(mm); n1$ mm. 34.2 mm.
The board's left edge to the nearest stripping rule in Layout1 in cm. $Layout1.BoardLeftMargin(cm)$ cm. 3.44 cm.

The following example of a layout drawing illustrates how EngView uses the formulas to compute dieboard margins. The formulas use the default measurement units.

Computing Dieboard Margins

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.