Formulas extracting information about the project

The following formulas extract information about the project as recorded in the Project tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

NOTE: The formulas in the Syntax column display the formula result in a predefined, non-modifiable format. You can format the results according to your own needs by using the formulas in the Custom Formatting column. To do so, in your design frame, substitute the formula you see there for the formula in the Syntax colum, and then add the attributes for the formatting that you need. Learn more about custom formatting.

Displays Syntax Example Custom Formatting
The name of the project. $ProjectName$ Chocolate Pillow Pack  
The path to the project file. $ProjectPath$ C:\EngViewWork7\Work\EVD\  
The project's title as entered in the Title field. $#*Title$   $ProjectInfo.Title$
Notes about the project as entered in the Description field. $#*Comments$   $ProjectInfo.Comments$
Keywords to the file as entered in the Keywords field. $#*KeyWords$   $ProjectInfo.KeyWords$
Who created the file as displayed in the Author field. $#*Author$   $ProjectInfo.Author$
Who created the print drawing. $#*CurrentUser$   $ProjectInfo.CurrentUser$
Who last saved the file. $#*Editor$   $ProjectInfo.Editor$
The software that saved the file's most recent version. $#*SaveAppVersion$ EVPDD 7.3.13 $ProjectInfo.SaveAppVersion$
The current version of EngView. $#*AppVersion$ EVPDD 7.3.13 $ProjectInfo.AppVersion$
The software used for creating the file. $#*Creator$ EngView Package & Display Designer $ProjectInfo.Creator$
The parameter template applied to the file. $#*Templates$ Folding Carton $ProjectInfo.Template$
The file name of the resizable design from which the current file was created. $#*OrigStdNames$ EVF12005 Pillow Pack With Hanger Hole.evr $ProjectInfo.OrigStdName$
The code name of the resizable design from which the current file was created. $#*OrigStdCode$ EVF12005 $ProjectInfo.OrigStdCode$

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.