Formulas extracting information about the applied material

The following formulas extract information about the material used in a drawing as selected in the Materials tab of the Project Properties dialog box.

Name Syntax Notes Example
Drawing Function
Material type 1Up $#"Drawing name".Material.Type$ If the drawing is named Drawing1, type $#"Drawing1".material.type$ B Flute
L $#"Drawing name".Material.Type$
Material name 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.Name$   B Flute Brown
L $#LayoutN.Material.Name$
Base type 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.BaseType$   Corrugated Cardboard
L $#LayoutN.Material.BaseType$
Front side 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.FrontSide$ The front side name of the used material. Corrugated Brown Front
L $#LayoutN.Material.FrontSide$
Rear side 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.RearSide$ The rear side name of the used material. B Flute Brown Rear
L $#LayoutN.Material.RearSide$
Edge border 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.Border$ The edge name of the used material. Corrugated Brown Edge
L $#LayoutN.Material.Border$
Die side 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.DieCutSide$ Indicates the die-cutting side for the material. Returns 'Front' or 'Rear'. Rear
L $#LayoutN.Material.DieCutSide$
Grain aware 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.GrainAware$ Indicates if grain awareness is taken into account.Returns 'Yes' or 'No'. Yes
L $#LayoutN.Material.GrainAware$
Parameter template 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.ParTemplate$ The name of the applied parameter template. Corrugated
L $#LayoutN.Material.ParTemplate$
Grammage 1Up $OneUpN.MaterialGrammage()$ The weight (in grams per sq. m.) of the used material. 500
L $LayoutN.MaterialGrammage()$
Material thickness 1Up $OneUpN.d()$ In millimeters 3
L $LayoutN.d()$
Flute/Grain direction 1Up $OneUpN.fd()$ Returns: 0 = horizontal; 90 = vertical 90
L $LayoutN.fd()$
Material cost 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.Cost$   130
L $#LayoutN.Material.Cost$
Material producer name 1Up $#OneUpN.Material.Producer$   John Doe Inc.
L $#LayoutN.Material.Producer$

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.