Resolving conflicts between overlapping bleeds in layouts in Illustrator

Sometimes, when you have created a production-ready layout files, you find that the bleeds on adjacent panels in the layout carry different graphics. Such zones of graphics conflict most often include:

In such cases, you must decide which bleed to use in the final production file. Learn how to resolve conflicts of overlapping graphics bleeds.

Step 1: Loading the EngView Layout Conflicts panel

  1. You resolve zones of conflicting graphics bleeds in the EngView Layout Conflicts panel. To load this panel, in Illustrator, on the Window menu, point to EngView, and then select Layout Conflicts.

TIP: If you expect to be resolving this sort of bleeds conflicts often, update your current work environment to include this panel. This will ensure that it will appear each time you use the EngView/Illustrator integration.

Step 2: Creating layout

  1. In Illustrator, add the artwork to your drawing.
  2. When done, switch to EngView to create the layout file.

HINT: You can create multiple layouts from the same drawing.

  1. In EngView, when you have created the layout file, save it, and close it. Then switch back to Illustrator.
  2. In the Step & Repeat panel, select the layout that you want to use for the production file.
  3. Click the Generate bleed by offset option, and type a value for the bleed.
  4. Click Generate Front Layout Generate Front Layer Button or Generate Rear Layout as your situation requires.
  5. In the Illustrator document window, inspect the resultant layout for zones of bleed conflict that will need resolving.

Step 3: Resolving conflicts of overlapping graphics bleeds

Illustrator indicates the zones of conflicting bleeds by (1) labels in the document window and (2) grouped lists in the EngView Conflict Layout panel. Across the layout, identical zones of bleed conflict are grouped and numbered. In the example that follows, the zones of bleed conflicts starting with 1 are listed in Group 1 in the panel list; those starting with 2 are grouped in Group 2.

Bleed Conflicts

The first number indicates the conflict; the second indicates the consecutive number of the zone where the conflict appears.

You resolve the zones of bleed conflicts by (1) inspecting them in the Illustrator document window, and then (2) choosing the resolution in the EngView Layout Conflicts panel. You can resolve conflicts:

Learn how to resolve bleed conflics.

Resolving all bleed conflicts in a group in one go

  1. Decide which group you want to start with, and then, in the EngView Layout Conflicts panel, click the circle across the group's name (pictured).
Click Circle Across Group Name

When you click a group's circle, the following occurs:

In the document window:

  • The integration colors the labels of the conflict zones from this group. This happens because all the zones in a group are identical and can be resolved by using the same technique.

In the EngView Layout Conflicts panel:

  • Outlines appear around the marking circles of all the bleed conflict zones in the list.
  • The Unresolved Conflict indicator Unresolved Conflict Button is pressed in. This tells you that the bleed conflicts in the group have not yet been resolved.
  • The two conflict resolution options — Solution 1 and Solution 2 — appear. You will use them to apply the bleed you need when you are resolving conflicts where two bleeds overlap. These buttons are unavailable when you are working with more than two overlapping bleeds. See Pic 1. for details..
  • Conflict resolution options for multiple overlapping conflict zones The List of Solutions Button. You will use this button when you are resolving conflicts where more than two bleeds overlap. This button is unavailable when you are resolving two overlapping bleeds. See Pic 2. for details.

The following pictures show these effects.

Conflict Zones Highlighted in Document Window and Panel

Pic 1: Group 1 is selected; Group 2 is not. Because the zones involve only two overlapping bleeds, the Solution 1 and Solution 2 buttons are available; the List of Solutions button is not.

A Conflict Zone With Multiple Overlapping Bleeds

Pic 2: All five groups overlap in one bleeds conflict zone. Group 5.1 is selected in the EngView Layout Conflicts panel and is therefore highlighted in red. Because more than two bleeds are in conflict, the List of Solutions button is available, offering solutions. NOTE: In the picture, all five conflict zones overlap and are difficult to distinguish. To make each bleed visible, its label has been moved away from the conflict zone.

  1. As all the zones of bleed conflict in a group are identical, it is enough to inspect only one of them in the document window. Click Zoom Selected Zoom Selected Button to go to the conflict zone and inspect it. (Pic 3.)
Conflict Zone as Shown in the Document Window

Pic 3: Conflict zone 1.3 marked in white, behind the numbering label. Resolving the bleed conflict means choosing which artwork will cover the entire zone area.

You have two situations:

  • In a zone of conflicting bleeds, decide which one you want to use for the production file.
  • In a zone of a conflict between a bleed and a flap, decide which you want to use for the production file.
  1. In the EngView Layout Conflicts panel, consider your situation:
    • For zones where two bleeds overlap, toggle between the Solution 1 The Solution 1 Button and Solution 2 The Solution 2 Button options and inspect their effects in the document windo. Then click the one that you want.
    • For zones where more than two bleeds overlap, click List of Solutions The List Solutions Button and then, in the list of solutions that appears, click the one that resolves the conflict in the way you want.
  2. After you have clicked a resolution technique, the integration applies it across the group. Notice that in the EngView Layout Conflicts panel the red squares in front of the group's name and zones disappear.

TIP: After you have resolved the bleed conflict zones in a group, collapse the group to avoid any visual clutter or inadvertent clicks in the group. To collapse an open group, click the down arrow in front of the group's name.

Resolving individual bleed conflicts

Apart from resolving bleeds conflicts in batches, you can resolve also individual bleed conflict zones in a group. In the picture below, the conflict zone 2.2 is the only one in its group that has been resolved.

Conflict Zone as Shown in the Document Window

In Group 2, bleed conflict zone 2.2 has been resolved; zone 2.1 is unresolved.

  1. Click the right-pointing arrow in front of a group's name to open the group.
  2. In the list, locate the bleed conflict zone number, and click the circle across its number. This activates the conflict zone and highlights it in the document window.
  3. Use the Zoom Selected Zoom Selected Button button to zoom directly into the conflict zone and inspect it.
  4. Toggle between Solution 1 Solution 1 Button and Solution 2 Solution 2 Button to choose a resolution technique for the zone. For a zone with more than two bleed conflicts, use the List of Solutions List Solutions Button. After you have applied a resolution, the red square in front of the zone number disappears.