Selection parameters

About selection parameters

Selection parameters are used in the creation of parameter templates. A selection parameter consists of predefined numerical constants, called selection entries, which are the only values that the parameter can adopt in its expression. In a parameter template, the selection entries are grouped in selection types — data units which you use to create a selection parameter.

For example, a parameter that refers to the type of dimensioning used in corrugated packaging box can reflect types of dimensioning according to the box's inside dimensions, the outside dimensions or to dimensioning score to score. To reflect these conditions, this selection parameter has three entries, with their respective values, that correspond to the three types of dimensioning.

A selection type named DimTypes with three selection entries: A. Selection types B. Selection type entries

Structure of selection entries

In a selection type, a selection entry consists of a name and an expression which contains the value which the selection parameter can adopt for its own expression. An entry's expression can include an algebraic expression composed of numbers, parameters and/or functions.

IMPORTANT: When in the expression of a selection entry you use a parameter, it must already exist and must precede the current parameter in the table.
