Styles: tabular representation

In the tabular area, the Styles tab lists the styles in the current drawing. To display the tabular area if it is hidden, on the View menu, click Show Tables. To edit a style's properties, right-click it, and then use the respective command on the menu that appears.



The Styles tab

Style Name Displays the name of the style and lists, in a tree-like structure, the child styles that are created from it.

Symbol Displays the file name of the symbol associated with the style.

Production Displays the production process associated with the style.

Style Indication The Icons
Visibility Visible The objects in this style are visible.
Not Visible The objects in this style are not visible.
Editability Locked You can manipulate the objects in this style — for example, you can drag them, delete them, and edit their properties.
Not Locked You cannot manipulate the objects in this style — for example, you cannot drag them, delete them, or edit their properties.
Object selection (The icons appear only when the drawing contains objects in this style.) Not Selected None of the objects in this style or its child styles are selected.
Selected The objects in this style or its child styles are selected.
Partially Selected There some objects in this style that are selected and others that are not.

Customizing the Styles tab columns

You can choose which columns to see in the Styles tab.

To customize the Styles tab view