Adding notes to dimension lines

While dimensioning an object, you can add notes to the dimension line carrying any information you need to appear along with the dimension line. For example, you can add:

The notes can be added either during the dimensioning of the object or later, by selecting the dimension. You can enter whatever text you need and use expressions — see Step 2 in the procedure below.

Unless set otherwise, the notes are displayed according to the globally defined format.

To add notes to dimension lines

  1. Begin dimensioning an object.

While you are positioning the dimension line, a contextual edit bar appears above the graphical area.

  1. In Expression, type any text you need that is relevant to what the dimension line is about. You can combine the text with the following expressions (click the down arrow to see them):

NOTE: You can type the text either in front or after the expression. The text then appears over the dimension line.

  1. After you have typed the text and/or the expressions you need, press ENTER. Use the mouse to position the note along the dimension line, and then click to fix it.