Dimensioning objects

By dimensioning an object you can get information about distances and angles between objects.

You can dimension:

Variant dimensioning

In some cases there may be several ways of dimensioning the same set of objects. For example, if you are measuring the distance between a circle and a (control) point, you can dimension the distance between the center of the circle and the point, between the nearest tangent to the circumference or between the point or between the farthest tangent to the circumference and the point, depending on the type of the two objects. In such cases, to switch between the various ways of measuring, press CTRL after you click the objects.

Tabular presentation of dimensions

Dimensions are displayed in the Dimensions tab in the tabular area.

  • Type Displays the type and consecutive number of the dimension. The dimension is listed by its name and type symbol. For details, see Dimension types.
  • Id Displays the unique, system-generated identification number of the dimension.
  • Value(s) Displays the value of the dimension, respectively: length for sloping, diameter, radius, horizontal and vertical dimensions, and degrees (radians) for angle.
  • 1st object Displays the first object that defines the dimension: first object for Sloping, first line of the vertex for Angle, or the single arc/circle/fillet for Radii, etc. When the name of the first object appears with an alias of the type — Beg, Mid, Cen or End — this indicates the control point that defines the dimension.
  • 2nd object Displays the second object that defines the dimension: second object for Sloping, second line of the vertex for Angle, etc, but none for Radii and Diameters. When the name of the first object appears with an alias of the type — Beg, Mid, Cen or End — this indicates the control point that defines the dimension.