Tangent To snapping

The Tangent To snapping is an object-focused mode which you can use to set a Tangent relation between an object you are currently drawing and a reference object. After you click the reference object, the current object is snapped to the reference object so that one of the two objects (or its extension) is tangent to the other (or its extension). Usually there are several tangency solutions, depending on the position of the pointer.

Possible object modes where Tangent To snapping can be used:

Line segments, arcs and circles.

Possible reference objects:

Line segments and axes, including the coordinate axes (when the active mode is an arc- or circle-drawing mode).

Arcs, circles, fillets (when the active mode is for drawings lines, arcs or circles).

To use tangent to snapping

  1. Turn on a mode for drawing lines, arcs or circles, and begin drawing the object by placing its first control point.

note: For the Tangent To snapping to be available in the modes Two Objects Tangent Circle, Arc by BEH or Arc by BEC, first you must position the first two control points.

tip: In the modes Arc by BCE and Arc by CBE, the Tangent To snapping is available for the third (end) control point of the arc. This case is rare: after the definition of the center and the beginning of an arc, its radius is fixed, and its value cannot be overridden to enable snapping the arc to a neighboring object — in such cases, change the radius.

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Point to the reference object to highlight it.

When the reference object is highlighted, the object being drawn (or its extension) is snapped to it (or to its extension) at the control point you are about to position.

  1. Click the reference object to confirm the snapping — the preview will stay permanently snapped until you finish the definition of the object.