Formatting styles

A style is a set of properties — color, line width, point size, line/curve pattern, as well as some OpenGL graphical settings — that are applied to objects — for example, geometric objects, fill patterns, dimensions, axes, board. Styles determine:

You can create new styles, edit the existing system styles and save to a template. System styles are Normal, Dimensions, Active Dimensions, Constraints, Axes, Free Hand, Board, Fill, Cutting, Stripping, Creasing, Perforating, CutCrease. Styles can be global and project.

Global styles

A global style is a style that applies to all projects you work on. All system styles are global and can serve as parent styles for project styles and custom global styles.

Project styles

A project style is a style that is only valid for the project in which it was created. By definition all global styles (including system styles) are treated as project styles, too. However, if you modify a system style as a project style (not as a global one), the same global style will not be affected and changes will be saved and applied only in the current project.

