Setting drawing properties

You can set overall properties for an individual drawing regarding the material, its type and appearance.

To set drawing properties

  1. Do one of the following:

The Drawing Properties dialog box appears.

Name Sets the name of the drawing.
Description (Optional) Notes describing the drawing.
View Side Sets the design side that you will view in the graphical area.
Flute/Grain Direction Sets the direction — along the x- or the y-axis — of the flute (or grain) of the material.
Manufacturing Joint Loads the manufacturing joint preset for the structure, if such a property has been set for the structure. Click to select or reset the structure's manufacturing joints.

HOW TO USE: Set a manufacturing joint if (1) EngView is integrated with an external production system that requires information about the joint or (2) you want to create an editable source structure; by editing the manufacturing joint, you use the structure to which it is applied to effectively construct a different design.

Scale dimensions to Not selected by default. Sets how EngView scales dimensions while exporting or printing out the drawing. The options are 1:1 (WYSIWYG) or a custom pattern. If you need a different pattern, select the check box, and then define a custom scaling pattern.
  • If a global scaling patterns has been defined, it appears here; if not, you can set one here.
  • Ensure that the scaling pattern corresponds to the paper size that you want to use. For example, if you want to use an A4 Landscape paper, set a 210X297 pattern.
Draw Style Symbols Sets how style symbols appear on the screen in the drawing.
Style Symbols Scale Sets a scale factor that EngView will apply for reproducing style symbols on the screen, on print and exported drawings. Example: If a style symbol is 16x16 pixels and the scale factor is 2.00, the symbol size will be displayed twice as large on the screen.
Material Settings that define the material used for the design in the drawing
Use own material Overrides the material set for the whole project and allows the use of another one for the current drawing.

NOTE: If the check box is unavailable, this means that a specific material has been set for the whole project. If you want to change the material of specific drawings, (1) enable the use of different materials in the project, and then (2) select the check box here, and then set a material for the active drawing.

Base type Sets the parent material type for the current material.
Name Sets the material for the drawing. To select a different material, click the browse button , and then, in the dialog box that appears, select a material.

Opens a dialog box in which you can add a material to the catalog.

Type Read-only. Displays the subtype on which the material is based.
Thickness Sets the thickness value that EngView uses for its calculations within resizable templates. (In parameter expressions, this is the value represented by the d() function.) By default, the value is inherited from that of the parent material type.

Case 1: To change the value along with that in Calc. thickness, select the left check box. When you change the value in Calc. thickness, the value in Real thickness changes too.

Case 2: To set a value that is different from that in Calc. thickness, select both check boxes, and then type a new value. The value in Calc. thickness is not affected.

Clearing the right check box restores the value in Calc. thickness; clearing both check boxes restores the value set for the parent type.

Grammage Sets the weight, in grams per square meter, for the material.
More Opens a dialog box in which you can set further properties for the drawing (see Step 3).
Icon Control Name What It Does
Fit Makes the surface model fit the preview area.
Zoom Click to begin zooming inside the preview area.
Pan Click to start moving the surface model across the preview area.
Turn Click to start rotating the surface sample within the preview area.
Single Axis Rotation Click to begin rotating the surface model along the axis defined by the movement of the mouse.
Set scene Opens a dialog box in which you can set the lighting of the preview area.
  1. Adjust the settings as you want them to be.
  2. (Optional) To add further properties for the material, click More.

The Drawing Material Properties dialog box appears.


Name Sets a material. Use the drop-down list to select a material, or click the browse button to add a material that is not on the list.
Type Read-only. Displays the material type on which the material selected in Name is based.
Thickness Sets the thickness value that EngView uses for its calculations within resizable templates. (In parameter expressions, this is the value represented by the d() function.) By default, the value is inherited from that of the parent material type. To change the inherited value, select the check box, and then type the new value.
Clearing the check box restores the value set for the parent type.


Grammage Sets the weight, in grams per square meter, for the material.
Producer The producer name
Cost Sets a cost for the material.
Description Additional information about the material
Comment Notes about the material
Corrections parameters template Applies the parameter template that will be used in the operations in which the material will be used.
Diecutting side Indicates the side on which the cutting die falls.
Grain-aware material Indicates the fiber direction in material texture.
Appearance Settings for attaching surfaces to the material's front and rear sides and the edge
Opens a dialog box in which you can select a surface appearance.
Opens a dialog box in which you can edit the selected surface: its the colors, texture, and bump.